Candice Fox: An Author with a Compelling Personal Brand

by | Aug 8, 2023 | How to Build a Successful Personal Brand, Personal Brand Wisdom, Personal Branding

Candice Fox: An Author with a Compelling Personal Brand

Candice Fox is an Australian-based author who writes fantastic thriller/crime fiction books and has a compelling personal brand that she quite effectively amplifies via social media.

I first encountered Candice Fox when I saw the paperback version of her 2018 book Crimson Lake on sale at my local Fred Meyer (think a big store that sells groceries and lots of other random stuff). The cover and summary drew me right in.

I devoured Crimson Lake and the other two books in that series – Redemption Point and Gone by Midnight. The Crimson Lake book series is set in Queensland, Australia and it is dark, but incredibly good!

The Chase by Candice Fox

The Chase


Earlier this year I read Candice’s latest US paperback release The Chase set in Nevada and I loved it!


From The Chase’s book description:

Are you listening, Warden?”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to let them out.”
“Which inmates are we talking about?”
“All of them.”

With that, the largest manhunt in United States history is on. In response to a hostage situation, more than 600 inmates from the Pronghorn Correctional Facility, including everyone on Death Row, are released into the Nevada Desert. Criminals considered the worst of the worst, monsters with dark, violent pasts, are getting farther away by the second.

John Kradle, convicted of murdering his wife and son, is one of the escapees. Now, desperate to discover what really happened that night, Kradle must avoid capture and work quickly to prove his innocence as law enforcement closes in on the fugitives.

Death Row Supervisor, and now fugitive-hunter, Celine Osbourne has focused all of her energy on catching Kradle and bringing him back to Death Row. She has very personal reasons for hating him – and she knows exactly where he’s heading…

Candice Fox

Finding Candice Fox on Instagram


While I was reading The Chase, on a whim I searched Candice Fox on Instagram and lo and behold, there she was @candicefoxauthor. Candice’s Instagram bio as of August 8, 2023, reads

 “Author, wrangler of small creatures”

As I looked through her Instagram posts I was delighted to discover that she was real person who shared snapshots from her journey. Some of her posts are about her books & her writing, some of her posts are the animals she rescues (for reals!), and some of her posts are about thriller books by other Authors that she likes. Candice highlights these books with her “Spotlight Sunday” posts.

As I looked through her Instagram posts I was delighted to discover that she is a real person who consistently shares a variety of snapshots from her journey. Some of her posts are about her books & her writing, others are related to the animals she rescues (for reals!), and some of her posts are about thriller books by other authors that she likes. Candice highlights these books with her “Spotlight Sunday” posts and I love getting her ideas for new stuff to read.

I was already a fan from reading her books and following Candice on Instagram has made me an even bigger fan.

Lots of people, myself included, like to follow our favorite authors (or sports figures, rock stars, poets, bakers, etc.)  who have and share about their interesting real-life journeys. I will cover this idea more extensively and its implications for someone wanting to build a compelling personal brand in an upcoming  Personal Brand Wisdom article.

For now, I encourage you to go follow Candice Fox on Instagram or Facebook ( links below) and pay attention to how she does an expert job of weaving together the personal and professional aspects of her life that she shares with her followers. This is an A+ example of how to create & share an effective personal brand.


Follow Candice Fox





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The Personal Brand Wisdom Article Series

 This article is the second in a series of articles I am writing about personal branding. Go to for more information.


Forthcoming Book ~ You Can Get There Faster: How to Build a Successful Personal Brand

 I am currently writing my 4th book – You Can Get There Faster: How to Build a Successful Personal Brand. To sign up to receive advance info about this book when it is ready to be released, go to this link here:


Steven Shomler
Spark to Bonfire


Candice Fox – An Author with a Compelling Personal Brand

Spark To Bonfire
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